Commercial Products
Rapt Marble's Commercial Products Department is tasked with sustainably, efficiently, and progressively creating items and processes for mass production. Virtually, any tangible item for consumer use.
What does Commercial Product mean?
A product, such as an item, material, component, subsystem, or system sold or traded to the general public.
These are some of the best-selling products of all time: Playstation. Lipitor. Corolla. Star Wars. iPad.
To illustrate, Rapt develops and markets components for products such as the above - packaging, casings, textiles, et cetera. Rapt would also develop and sell promotional products for them - stationary, displays/kiosks, toys, even a full promotional package.
The department does not only support other businesses, but creates consumer goods in-house, making products for home and office use, and beyond.
Some Current Projects:
items like sinks, countertops, and cabinets
items like beds, dressers, nightstands
items like wall decor, coat racks, side-tables
I just got a job in a factory making plastic Draculas.
There are only two of us on the production line, so I have to make every second count.